MON-FRI (5-7pm Drivetime, 8-10pm and 2-4am overnight)
SAT (6-7pm) // SUN (3-4am) ET
Tired of the usual liberal/conservative treatment that strangles most media debates? Fed up with positions ignored unless they meet their pigeon-holed agenda? Then tune in to Alan Nathan, the centrist with teeth, as he advances a more biting aggressiveness to both sides of the political spectrum. Named three times by Talkers Magazine as one of the top 100 talk hosts in the nation, Alan has gone toe-to-toe with national leaders, columnists and extremists from all corridors of public argument. Also known as the militant moderate, he’s an Achievement in Radio award nominated host and former national television correspondent.
Now in its 26th year of national syndication, the conversation continues on the Main Street Radio Network – mainstreetradionetwork.com.
What people are saying about Alan Nathan…
“Cut Throat Talk, No Holds Barred Debate. Right meets left and the sparks fly.” — ALAN GOTTLIEB, President, KITZ 1400 Port Orchard-Seattle, Washington //KGTK 920 Olympia-Seattle, Washington //KBNP 1410 Portland, Oregon //KSBN 1230 Spokane, Washington
“ One of the most unusual talk shows in the business because he is a radical moderate. It terrified me the first time I was on because within 30 seconds I realized I was playing in a very difficult sport. It’s a brilliant show and he is a brilliant moderator.” — MICHAEL HARRISON, Editor & Publisher, Talkers Magazine
“ I think he’s got a winner and I thoroughly enjoyed being on.” — DAVID GERGEN, U.S. News & World Report
“ Great back and forth. Tough but fair. Happy to be on anytime.” — ELEANOR CLIFT, Newsweek Magazine and NBC’s McLaughlin Group Panelist
“ Alan is quick-witted, full of razor sharp comebacks. He’s a fierce centrist who gets both sides of the political spectrum equally fired up.” — RITA COSBY, 3-Time Emmy Award winning Reporter, MSNBC Host and former Host of FOX News Channel’s “The Big Story” – Weekend Edition
“ Smart and fast, this show has a great edge.” — TONY BLANKLEY, NBC’s McLaughlin Group Panelist and nationally syndicated columnist
“I have had the pleasure of being interviewed by Alan Nathan and found him to be delightfully charismatic, fair and sensible in his commentary. Alan does not shy away from difficult issues. — AMBASSADOR AKBAR S. AHMED, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies, American University
“ Your reputation is formidable… I’ve been listening to you – you’re terrific!” — ELAINE CHAO, former Secretary of U.S. Department of Labor
” I had a phenomenal time, just about the best interview I’ve had in quite a while- you have an incredible command of the language” — LEE GREENWOOD, Country Music Star
“ You are without exception the most talented talk host in the business. The caliber and speed of your show is without equal.” LT. COL. BILL COWAN, Fox News Counter-terrorism Expert and Highly Profiled Commentator.