Alan Nathan is host of the long-running nationally syndicated show formerly, “Battle Line with Alan Nathan,” now “The Alan Nathan Show.” Every program begins with his mantra, “We want the Republicans out of our bedrooms, the Democrats out of our wallets, and both out of our First and Second Amendment rights.” (He additionally challenges the Libertarians.) He’s been called the “centrist with teeth,” who conducts a guest generated, panel driven, dialogue and debate show that moves at about 125mph. Alan insists that regardless of the issue, (political, social or cultural) one can be both substantive and spirited. Alan has been recognized three times by Talkers Magazine as one of the Top 100 Talk Hosts in America. As an Achievement in Radio Award nominated talk host and former national television correspondent, Alan has gone toe-to-toe with political leaders (national and international), columnist and extremists from all corridors of public argument. Now with Main Street Radio Network, he’s entering his 26th year of national syndication.
As an eyewitness on 9-11, Alan was the first member of the media to report the attack on the Pentagon. He has been on Fox News and CNN multiple times, lectures at live events and has had numerous published writings carried by such outlets as The Washington Times, The Washington Examiner, World Net Daily, Insight Magazine and Front Page Magazine. Excerpts from his columns have been quoted on the floor of the House of Representatives and were additionally cited in The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune.
Alan began as a DJ at 1480 WPWC Radio in Dumfries, VA. A year later, he started a talk show entitled “Profile and Comment with Alan Nathan.” Soon after, he was noticed by legendary Pulitzer Prize Winning Columnist/Reporter Jack Anderson. The now late Mr. Anderson was then Host of “The Insiders with Jack Anderson” on the Financial News Network and thought Alan would make a great addition to his reporting team. Jack’s producer, Ann Klenk (now with MSNBC’s Chris Mathews), looked at Alan’s exclusive interview with then recently arrested Washington D.C. Mayor Marian Barry and immediately agreed with Jack to bring Alan on-board. After the network was sold, Alan took a break from broadcasting until his return to radio in 1998.
After being syndicated by Radio America for 12 years, he and his wife, broadcast veteran Jane Silk, founded their own network (Main Street Radio Network) where the Alan Nathan Show continues its 26th year of unbroken syndication. He’s currently heard seven days a week in over 800 towns and cities across approximately 200 radio station broadcasts.