MEET THE CRY-WOLF RACISTS: Dowd, Garofalo, Carter
By Alan Nathan © 2009 Big Hollywood What do actor/comic Janeane Garofalo, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd and former President Jimmy Carter all have in common? They commit racism in the name of fighting it, but still expect to be taken seriously. In...
VAPID LIBERALISM – Race War if McCain Wins?
By Alan Nathan © 2008 Washington Times Democratic Nominee Senator Barack Obama said in his convention speech that the promise of America is, “the idea that we are responsible for ourselves, but that we also rise or fall as one nation; the fundamental...
By Alan Nathan © 2008 Washington Times On Monday April 28th, I was seated directly in front of Rev. Jeremiah Wright at the National Press Club as he recommitted himself to the very bigotry-laced anti-Americanism that his most famous long-time parishioner,...
MASCOT POLITICS: How ‘groupthink’ trumps issues
By Alan Nathan © 2008 Washington Times A few months ago, Barack Obama rightly accused fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton of "hiding behind her gender." Of course, she can now argue that Mr. Obama is similarly hiding behind his race. Had they and their...