Today at 5… The Alan Nathan Show: SUBJECTS: The universally often-cited Cook-Political-Report shows that while the GOP disappointed by only doing marginally better than the Democrats in seats won, they got a whopping 6.4 percent greater amount in popular vote – why the disconnect? //A district court rejects Biden’s student debt forgiveness as an egregious abuse of executive power and equates it with the kind tyranny our Constitution opposes – the Biden Administration promises to appeal, but what are its chances? //Buried by the press, a 2020 PEW report shows that white liberals are twice as likely to suffer from mental illness when compared to conservatives – does this explain why they’re more inclined to commit election fraud since those of unsound mind are less constrained by laws?😊 //We’re revisiting some jaw-dropping election fraudsters like Scott Foval, former Nat’l Field Dir for the leftwing Americans United for Change; Alan Schulking, former NYC Dem Election Commissioner; and, Domenick DeMuro, the DOJ nabbed former Philadelphia Judge of Elections. Listen Live: