THE ALAN NATHAN SHOW IS LIVE TODAY AT 5PM ET: In an originally hidden but now exposed clip vindicating Trump, Pelosi admits to not having properly ensured that enough security was in place on Jan 6 – Wow! // Liberal pundits are upset over Israel’s rescue of 4 hostages because of the Hamas-supporting Palestinians who were killed during the operation – are nations no longer permitted to save their own citizens when the effort endangers those of the enemy who kidnapped them? // Hunter Biden’s Laptop is used in court by the Feds as evidence against him thus exposing as liars the 51 former Intel Officers who had wrongly labeled it as “Russian Disinformation,” so why do they cluelessly still insist they were right? //Democrats are getting more and more nervous about Trump’s strong polling with some openly bemoaning that Biden had ever decided to run for reelection – what’s next? Listen Live: