Here is the full list of Alan’s Historical Writings, listed by date published.  To view in category form, simply choose from the right column or drop-down menu above.

The Washington Post’s Blackwash

By Alan Nathan © 2005 FrontPageMag Looking for The Washington Post’s reasoning skills is like trying to locate Dracula’s tanning lotion – it’s an exercise in futility. In a much-reported February 14th article, staff writer Robin Wright portrays Shia...

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Washington Post Whitewash

By Alan Nathan © 2005 FrontPageMag The Washington Post has put Disney on notice: “Our Mickey Mouse writing puts yours to shame.” In Saturday’s edition, the paper’s editorial board exercised its new vocation of turning fantasy into history and took the kind...

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Why So Glum At The CIA

By Alan Nathan © 2005 FrontPageMag There’s a wing of the Central Intelligence Agency that has proven itself quite adroit when chronicling facts, but has demonstrated all the reasoning skills of a banana split. The National Intelligence Council of the CIA...

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